

The salary determines the premiums, which have to be deducted by

  • AHV-branch
    1. AHV = old age and survivors’ insurance, 2. IV = invalidity insurance, 3. EO = income compensation regulation (maternity leave allowance, alternative civilian and military service substitution), 4. FAK = family compensation fund (child benefits) as well as 5. ALV = unemployment insurance
  • Pension fund according to BVG
  • Accident insurance according to UVG


  • Daily benefits insurance

The monthly changes in the pension fund have to be managed daily, so that every individual can be insured accordingly.

Child benefits are only paid out if the formalities are followed. The maternity leave allowance and alternative civilian service substitution have to be deducted correctly.

As well as the daily declaration, we manage the monthly changes and dealings around social insurances.